Outputs the form for creating ticket by the user from frontend.
Snippet is caused uncashed
Snippet's call parameters
Name | By default | Description |
&allowedFields | parent,pagetitle,content,published | Ticket field which can be filled by a user. You can specify the names of TV parameters. |
&context | List of contexts for searching for sections, with a comma. | |
&parents | All the available ticket sections are displayed by default, but you can limit them, specifying concrete parents with a comma. | |
&permissions | section_add_children | Rights check for publication. Permission "section_add_children" is checked by default. |
&redirectUnpublished | 0 | You can specify to what document a user is supposed to be sent while creating an unpublished ticket. |
&requiredFields | parent,pagetitle,content | Obligatory ticket fields which a user should fill in order to send a form. |
&sortby | pagetitle | Field for sotring a section list. |
&sortdir | ASC | Sorting direction of the section list. |
&tplFormCreate | tpl.Tickets.form.create | Chunk for creating a new ticket. |
&tplFormUpdate | tpl.Tickets.form.update | Chunk for updating current ticket. |
&tplPreview | tpl.Tickets.form.preview | Chunk for ticket preview before publication. |
&tplSectionRow | @INLINE <option value="[[+id]]" [[+selected]]>[[+pagetitle]]</option> | Chunk for design of question section in the form. |
&tplTicketEmailBcc | tpl.Tickets.ticket.email.bcc | Chunk for notifications of the web-site's admins about new ticket. |
Call method