Outputs section list with tickets.
Snippet is caused uncashed
Name | By default | Description |
&depth | 0 | Search depth of the resources from every parent. |
&fastMode | 0 | If activated - values from DB only will be fitted in the result chunk. All the unprocessed tags MODX, such as filters, snippet output and others - will be cut. |
&includeContent | 0 | Chooses the field «content» from resources. |
&includeTVs | The list of TV parameters for the selection, with a comma. For example: «action,time» will give the placeholders [[+action]] and [[+time]] . | |
&limit | 10 | Limit of the result selection. |
&offset | 0 | Result omission from the beginning of the selection. |
&outputSeparator | Optional string for separation of the work result. | |
&parents | List of the categories, with a comma, for search of the results.The selection is limited by the current parent by default. If 0 is set - the selection is not limited. | |
&resources | The list of the resources, with a comma, for the result output. If resource id begins with a minus, this resource is excluded from the selection. | |
&showDeleted | 0 | Shows the deleted resources. |
&showHidden | 0 | Shows resources hidden in the menu. |
&showLog | 0 | Shows extra information about snippet’s work. For authorized in the «mgr» context only. |
&showUnpublished | 0 | Shows unpublished resources. |
&sortby | views | Sorting of selection. |
&sortdir | DESC | Direction od selection. |
&toPlaceholder | If it is not empty, snippet will save all the data in placeholder with the very name instead of displaying on the screen. | |
&tpl | tpl.Tickets.sections.row | Design chunk for every result. |
&tvPrefix | Prefix for TV placeholders, for example «tv.». The parameter is empty by default. | |
&where | The string coded in JSON with extra conditions of selection. |
The list can be extended by the common parameters pdoTools, since Tickets works on this library.
Simple call.