Creating the ticket
It is highly important to remember that Tickets component is supplied without any demo data and patterns. That is why you should create them in advance.Also ticket section and ticket itself are extended standard «modDocument», so it has the same TV-fields, placeholders and logical line of work.
Ticket is the extended modDocument of the modx resource When creating the ticket, the display window has visually 4 categories of settings.
- Basic information settings (Title, Extended title, Description, Annotation (introduction), Content);
- Meta information settings (Publication, Date of publication, Date of publication cancellation, Pattern, Author, Parental resource, Pseudonym);
- System settings (Is available for search, Cashed, Published, To use HTML-editor, Container, To freeze URL, To deactivate Jevix, To implement MODX tags, Closed ticket, To hide in the menu bar, To show in the tree);
- Tab with comment management of the present ticket;
Created ticket in the ticket section: