Snippet to display a list of resources. It is an advanced replacement for getResources: it has all the features but without flaws .
Knows how to properly sort the TV settings , attach a table with the sample , include or exclude categories from different contexts , and much more .
Resource selection properties
These properties determine what resources will appear in the generated list.
Name | Default | Description |
&parents | Current resource | Comma-separated list of parents, to find results . Set to 0 for unlimited, to +0 for the top level . If a parent id starts with a dash, it and its children are excluded from the query. |
&depth | 10 | Search depth of child resources from parent in the Resource Tree. |
&resources | Comma-separated list of resources to add to the results. If the id of the resource starts with a hyphen , this resource is excluded from the query. | |
&context | Limit the resources from the given context. | |
&where | An array of additional selection parameters encoded JSON. | |
&showHidden | 1 | Show resources that are hidden in the menu. |
&showUnpublished | 0 | Show unpublished resources. |
&showDeleted | 0 | Show resources that have been marked as deleted. |
&hideContainers | 0 | Exclude container resources, that is, resources with «isfolder = 1». |
&select | 0 | A comma-separated list of fields to retrieve. You can specify a JSON string array, for example {"modResource":"id,pagetitle,content"}. |
&sortby | pagetitle | Any resource field for sorting, including TVs if the &includeTVs property is also set. You can specify a JSON string with an array of multiple fields, for example {"tvname":"ASC", "pagetitle":"DESC"}. To randomly sort use «RAND()». |
&sortdir | DESC | Sort direction : Ascending or Descending. |
&limit | 10 | Limit the number of results . You can use «0» for no limit. |
&offset | 0 | Number of items to skip, from the beginning. |
&first | 1 | Number of the first item of the output results. |
&last | Automatic, by the formula (total + first - 1) | Number of the last item of the results. |
&loadModels | Comma-separated list of components whose model you need to download for building a query. Example: &loadModels=`ms2gallery,msearch2`. | |
&tvFilters | List of filters on TV , delimited AND and OR. Separator specified parameter &tvFiltersOrDelimiter represents the logical OR condition thereon and conditions grouped primarily. Within each group, you can specify a list of values, separated &tvFiltersAndDelimiter. Search values can be performed in any particular TV, if it is provided «myTV == value», or in any «value». Sample call: &tvFilters=`filter2==one,filter1==bar%||filter1==foo`. Please note: The filter uses the LIKE operator and the "%" symbol is a metacharacter. This will search for the values for the resources that are located in the site_tmplvar_contentvalues table, not from the default settings of the TV. | |
&tvFiltersAndDelimiter | , | Separator for conditional AND property &tvFilters. |
&tvFiltersOrDelimiter | || | Separator for conditional OR property &tvFilters. |
Template Properties
These properties specify the chunks that contain the templates to format the generated output.
Name | Description |
&returnIds | Set to "1" to return a string with a list of resource ids, instead of complete results. All of the templates are ignored. |
&tpl | Name chunk for formatting the individual items. If not specified, the contents of the resource fields will be printed to the screen. |
&tplFirst | Name of the chunk to format the first item in the results. |
&tplLast | Name of the chunk to format the last item in the results. |
&tplOdd | Name of the chunk to format every odd-numbered item in the results. |
&tplWrapper | Chunk - wrapper, to wrap all results. Accepts one placeholder:[[+output]] . It does not work in conjunction with &toSeparatePlaceholders. |
&wrapIfEmpty | Includes outer chunk wrapper &tplWrapper* even if there are no results. |
&tplCondition | Defines a field of the resource to evaluate against keys defined in the &conditionalTpls property. |
&tplOperator | Optional operator for comparison of the resource field &tplCondition with an array of values and in &conditionalTpls chunks. |
&conditionalTpls | A JSON object defining a map of field values and the associated tpl Chunks to use when the field defined by &tplCondition matches the value. The comparison operator is specified in &tplOperator. For operators such as isempty you can not use an array of keys. |
&outputSeparator | Optional string to separate the results. |
Result Properties
These properties further define what data to fetch and how to display it.
Name | Default | Description |
&fastMode | 0 | Quick mode for processing chunks. All raw tags (output modifiers, snippets, etc.) are removed. |
&idx | The starting number of iterations of the output. | |
&setTotal | 0 | Indicates if the total placeholder should be populated with a count of the results. |
&totalVar | total | Name of the placeholder for storing the total number of results. |
&includeContent | 0 | Indicates if the «content» field of each resource should be returned in the results. |
&includeTVs | Comma-separated list of Template Variable values that should be included in the placeholders available to each resource template . Example: «action,time» will produce the placeholders [[+tv.action]] and [[+tv.time]] . | |
&prepareTVs | 1 , prepares all TVs specified in &includeTVs | Comma-separated list of media source-dependant TV values to be prepared before output. |
&processTVs | Comma-separated list of TVs that should be processed according to their output options. If set to «1», all TV listed in &includeTVs will be processed. | |
&tvPrefix | tv. | Prefix TV property. |
&scheme | -1 | Type of URL scheme, passed to modX::makeUrl(). See this for a list of valid options. |
&useWeblinkUrl | 0 | Generate link to the weblink resource, not to the destination URL. NOTE: To get this properly working, be sure to use [[+link]] instead of [[~[[+id]]]] eg. <a href="[[+link]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a> . |
&toPlaceholder | Save output to a placeholder with this name instead of displaying the output to the screen. | |
&toSeparatePlaceholders | Each item will be displayed in a placeholder with a name starting with this value and ending with the sequential number starting from zero. For example, by specifying the property value «myPl», you'll get placeholders [[+myPl0]] , [[+myPl1]] & etc. | |
&showLog | 0 | Show additional debugging information on the processing of the snippet only to logged-in Manager users. |
A simple list of the children of resource #1:
To add a TV named «image», then the call will be as follows:
The chunk ListRowTpl will now allow the placeholder [[+tv.image]]