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  1. Extras
  2. FetchIt
  3. Notifications
  4. jGrowl


This section contains information on how to integrate jGrowl.

  • For jGrowl to work, we need to connect jQuery itself, and then the library script and its styles. Also define styles for different types of notifications.
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="" defer></script>

<!-- Javascript -->
<script src="" defer></script>

<!-- CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  .custom-success { background: green; }
  .custom-error { background: red; }
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  FetchIt.Message = {
    success(message) {
      $.jGrowl(message, { theme: 'custom-success' });
    error(message) {
      $.jGrowl(message, { theme: 'custom-error' });
  • Or in your file script with the defer attribute, then you don't need to put a handler on the DOMContentLoaded event and get direct access to the FetchIt class:
FetchIt.Message = {
  success(message) {
    $.jGrowl(message, { theme: 'custom-success' });
  error(message) {
    $.jGrowl(message, { theme: 'custom-error' });

That's it! But we don't recommend using this library in your project if it doesn't have jQuery. It is illogical and resource-consuming to plug in a whole other plugin just for the sake of one notification plugin.