Console import
For mass photo download in ms2Gallery you can use processor upload.
In its simplest form, its call looks the following way:
// Download processor call
$response = $modx->runProcessor('gallery/upload', array(
'file' => $file, // Picture
'id' => 1 // resource id with the gallery
array('processors_path' => MODX_CORE_PATH.'components/ms2gallery/processors/mgr/')
// Processor output
if ($response->isError()) {
else {
A few aspects should be taken into account:
In the current version download processor expects ms2Gallery class in MODX object. You need to connect it:
php$modx->ms2Gallery = $modx->getService('ms2gallery', 'ms2Gallery', MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/ms2gallery/model/ms2gallery/');
All picture files are to be found on the server. The scripts is unable to download them from a remote source.
In the field
of the resource a file source should be prescribed. To open a resource in admin area is usually enough, but this aspect is needed to be provided in the console import.
Therefore, there is a ready-made console script which creates or updates resources and downloads files in them at the specified array:
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
// The script lies in the website root. If it doesn’t, you need to change the path to index.php
require 'index.php';
// Necessary service connection
$modx->setLogTarget(XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML');
$modx->ms2Gallery = $modx->getService('ms2gallery', 'ms2Gallery', MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/ms2gallery/model/ms2gallery/');
// File directory
$base = MODX_BASE_PATH . 'tmp_files/';
// Picture and resource array
$resources = array(
'context_key' => 'web',
'pagetitle' => 'Test',
'alias' => 'test',
'media_source' => $modx->getOption('ms2gallery_source_default'),
'files' => array(
$base . '1.jpg',
$base . '2.jpg',
$base . '3.jpg',
'id' => 2, // If id is specified, the resource should be updated, not created
'context_key' => 'web',
'pagetitle' => 'Test 2',
'alias' => 'test2',
'media_source' => $modx->getOption('ms2gallery_source_default'),
'files' => array(
$base . '4.jpg',
$base . '5.jpg',
$base . '6.jpg',
foreach ($resources as $values) {
$modx->error->reset(); // Error dropping
if (empty($values['id'])) {
$response = $modx->runProcessor('resource/create', $values);
else {
$response = $modx->runProcessor('resource/update', $values);
if ($response->isError()) {
$object = $response->getObject();
$id = $object['id'];
if (!empty($values['media_source'])) {
// The file source should be updated. You have to do it manually, as processor simply will overwrite update.
// the whole resource properties field, and there can be something useful
if ($resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', $id)) {
$properties = $resource->getProperties('ms2gallery');
$properties['media_source'] = $values['media_source'];
$resource->setProperties($properties, 'ms2gallery');
// Finally you can download the files
foreach ($values['files'] as $file) {
// Download processor call
$response = $modx->runProcessor('gallery/upload', array(
'file' => $file, // File path from the server root
'id' => $id // resource id with the gallery
array('processors_path' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/ms2gallery/processors/mgr/')
// Processor output
if ($response->isError()) {