Plugin for identification bottlenecks of the site. It shows all handled tags and expended time.
Now you can specify and optimize slow calls on every page.
Tag MODX activation, number of queries to the database when it is operation, time of queries and total time spent on processing are shown in the table.
If a tag is activated several times on the page, so these tags are totalized.
Parameters Queries
and Queries time
can be inaccurate if any snippet works with the database directly and don not write data in variable modX::executedQueries
and modX::queryTime
. E.g. pdoResources is written, but there is no getProducts.
At the bottom of the table you see total according to statistics and general data: PHP version, database and etc.
Plugin debugParser works only for the users authorized in mgr context. It gets all the parameters through $_GET.
- debug — activates debugging mode and tablet output.
- cache — permits to use cached pages. On default - no.
- top — the quantity of tags for output. On default – unlimited.
- add — add the tablet at the end of the page, but don’t replace it totally. On default – no.
Support of Fenom
For displaying Fenom tags you must:
- Use pdoTools 2.1.8-pl or newer
- Use debugParser 1.1.0-pl or newer
- Execute methods of
. There is no way to catch system call via disabled by default z variable.
General output: http://mystite.com/?debug=1
Table with report will replace the content of the page, so you will see only the page.
Display with cache: http://mystite.com/?debug=1&cache=1
If the page loads from cache, only uncached tags will be displayed.
Display of 10 first slowest tags: http://mystite.com/?debug=1&cache=1&top=10
All uncached tags are sorted by the runtime, that is why some of the most labor-intensive can be shown.
Display with attaching table to the page content: http://mystite.com/?debug=1&cache=1&top=10&add=1