Name | By default | Description |
mspr_active | true | Enables the extra. |
mspr_active_before_add | true | Enables remains checkup before adding a product to the shopping cart or changing its amount. |
mspr_active_before_order | true | Enables remains checkup before saving an order. |
mspr_active_bcstatus | true | Enables remains checkup before changing the order status. |
mspr_options | color, size | Product properties underlying the formation of remains. |
mspr_order_status | 1 | Product status ID that, when set, will change the amount of remains. |
mspr_orderback_status | 4 | Product status ID that, when set, will restore the remains amount deducted previously. |
mspr_product_grid_fields | id, color, size, remains | Remains table fields on the product edit page. |
mspr_remains_default | 0 | Default remains amount for creating a product or adding new properties. |
mspr_remains_grid_fields | id, product_id, pagetitle, color, size, price, published, remains | Table fields on the unified remains edit page. |