Component to manage the banners on the site.
Create a banner ad space, then bind to one another, and output on the site in the right places.
It is also able to consider clicks and keep their statistics.
Name | Description |
&positions | Comma separated list of ads positions. |
&showLog | If true, snippet will add detailed log of query for managers. |
&fastMode | Fast chunks processing. If true, MODX parser will not be used and unprocessed tags will be cut. |
&limit | If set to non-zero, will only show X number of items. |
&offset | An offset of items returned by the criteria to skip. |
&sortby | Return results in specified order. It can be any field of byAd, "RAND()" or "idx" - index of ad in position. |
&sortdir | Order of the results |
&outputSeparator | An optional string to separate each tpl instance. |
&where Массив | A JSON-style expression of criteria to build any additional where clauses from. |
&showInactive | Show an inactive items. |
&tpl | Name of a chunk serving as a item template. If not provided, properties are dumped to output for each item. |
&tplFirst | Name of a chunk serving as item template for the first item. |
&tplLast | Name of a chunk serving as item template for the last item. |
&tplOdd | Name of a chunk serving as item template for items with an odd idx value (see idx property). |
&tplWrapper | Name of a chunk serving as a wrapper template for the output. This does not work with toSeparatePlaceholders. |
&wrapIfEmpty | If true, will output the wrapper specified in &tplWrapper even if the output is empty. |
&toPlaceholder | If set, will assign the result to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. |
&toSeparatePlaceholders | If set, will assign EACH result to a separate placeholder named by this param suffixed with a sequential number (starting from 0). |
Before use it is necessary to create a banner and a position previously. See in section Interface
[[!BannerY? &position=`2`]]